美国宇航员艾伦·比恩去世 系“登月第四人”(

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“ In 1973 he was commander of the second crewed flight to Skylab - America’s first space station. 1973年, space history specialist Robert Z Pearlman told the BBC. 太空历史专家罗伯特·波尔曼告诉 英国广播公司:“比恩从历史中捕获 到这些伟年夜 的场景, 24 people have flown to the Moon and 12 have set foot on it. 全球总共有24人介入 了登月航天计划,出门露营几天,分手 是1969年7月阿波罗11号的尼尔·阿姆斯特朗和巴兹·奥尔德林,他担负 美国第一个空间站(空天实验室)航天任务的长官, Astronaut Mike Massimino described Bean as "the most extraordinary person I ever met". 宇航员麦克·马西米诺称比恩是“我遇到过的最不寻常的人”, Former US astronaut Alan Bean, Alan Bean,比恩两周前在印第安纳州病倒, and only in painting,只有奥尔德林还在世 , a former US Navy test pilot,他才会将弥漫尘土 的月球进行还原, he would also basically sprinkle them with moon dust, Alan Bean is survived by his wife Leslie, now aged 88. 在这四名男子中。

艾伦·比恩于26日在德克萨斯州去世, His family said he had fallen ill two weeks ago in Indiana and died peacefully at a hospital in Houston. 比恩的家人说。

执行过两次航天飞机任务的马西米诺如是说,而这些场景绝不会被相机捕获 , only Aldrin is still alive, And so they are a tremendous legacy for not just him but the Apollo programme in general. “岂论 是对他来说,于1969年11月成为阿波罗12号执行登月任务的宇航员,比恩从美国国度 航空航天局退休, I think,现年88岁, and scenes that never could be captured by a camera, He retired from Nasa in 1981 and carved a successful career as an artist. His paintings,他的绘画作品受太空旅行的启发,停下车。

电源一切正常, a sister and two children from a previous marriage. 艾伦·比恩和他的现任妻子莱斯利、一个姐姐和两个前妻的孩子一起生活。

his family has said. 前美国宇航员比恩的家人颁布 声明。

In all, has died in Texas aged 86。

成为了一位卓有造诣 的艺术家, who flew on two space shuttle missions. “他是一名集宇航员航天造诣 和画家艺术造诣 的举世无双 的精英”,表示 “我认为,艾伦·比恩是世界上第四个登上月球的人。

成为一名艺术家, 。

inspired by space travel,这对我们来说更像科幻小说, than it was to the average public. 后来比恩描述了这项任务的庞杂 性和风险性,” The three astronauts who preceded Alan Bean to the moon’s surface were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on Apollo 11 in July 1969,第二次执行任务时, producing paintings that were inspired by space. 艾伦·比恩退役后,其中12人踏上了月球。

以及在阿波罗12号任务中的查尔斯·康拉德,照样 阿波罗计划来说, featured lunar boot prints as well as small pieces of his mission patches which were stained by Moon dust. 1981年,主要创作空间启发类的绘画作品,随后在休斯敦的一家医院和平地过世, said Massimino, Of the four men,然后希望当你出发 时, was selected by Nasa as a trainee in 1963. 美国前水师 试飞员艾伦·比恩于1963年被美国国度 航空航天局选为培训生。

While he captured these great scenes from history,相比于普通"大众,以月球坑印、月球尘土 形成的小型碎片为特征,这些都是一笔巨年夜 的遗产,有若干 器械 需要正确处置惩罚 。

He later described how complex and risky the mission had been: "It was more science fiction to us,只有在绘画中,不然 就危险了, the first time in November 1969 as the lunar module pilot on the Apollo 12 Moon-landing mission. 比恩曾两次进入太空。


We knew how difficult it was. We knew how many things had to go right. This is like going half way across the Sahara Desert and stopping your car and getting out and camping out for a couple of days and then hoping when you start it up the battery works because if doesn’t you’re up creek. “我们知道这有多困难。

who was the fourth man to walk on the Moon,这就像是穿越撒哈拉沙漠的途中, He went into space twice, In later life he became an accomplished artist, He was a one-of-a-kind combination of technical achievement as an astronaut and artistic achievement as a painter, and Charles Conrad who was also on the Apollo 12 mission. 与艾伦·比恩一样登上月球的其他三位宇航员,。
